Buccaneer Villa North Swim & Tennis Club

8330 Patricia St. Chalmette, LA 70043                     Clubhouse: 504.302.9634          Pool: 504.941.7597 

A SOFT OPEN HOUSE will be held in the Clubhouse on Saturday, April 12, from Noon to 2:00pm.

Here you will be able to get more information on, and apply for or renew, your membership as well as the register for the Barracuda Swim Team and Swim Lessons. We will not be taking partial payments this year, and can accept cash or credit cards.

OPEN HOUSE will be held on Saturday, May 10th, from 1:00 to 5:00pm.

Standard Hours of Operation
Hours of operation may vary slightly throughout the season.

Friday, May 17 - 5:00-10:00
Saturday, May 18 - 11:00 - 10:00
Sunday, May 19 - 11:00 - 8:00
Friday, May 24 - 5:00-10:00
Saturday, May 25-11:00-10:00
Sunday, May 26 - 11:00-9:00
Starting Monday, May 27 we will be open everyday.
Our hours will be:
Sunday - Thursday 11:00 - 9:00
Friday - Saturday 11:00 - 10:00
About Us
The Buccaneer Villa North Swim & Tennis Club is a private, non-profit recreational facility, striving to provide a fun, family oriented atmosphere for residents of St. Bernard Parish.

The club facilities include a large Olympic style swimming pool, kiddie pool, tennis, basketball and volleyball courts, horseshoes and a newly renovated clubhouse.

The pool area remains open from May through September with members enjoying numerous activities such as Poolside Music & Karaoke, Movie Nights, Bonkos, 4th of July, Labor Day and Back to School Parties.

All applicants must be sponsored by a current, paid member in good standing and obtain the signature of a current Board Member before their application is presented to the Board of Directors for approval. For more information, please call the Clubhouse at 504-302-9634 and leave a message or email bvnstc@bvnstc.com. Payments may be mailed to: P.O. Box 124 Chalmette, LA. 70044 Attn: Membership Chairman 




Small Family

  • 3 or 4 members

Large Family

  • 5 or 6 members (additional members can be added for $150 each. 8 max.)
Our clubhouse offers the perfect atmosphere for your next Wedding, Baby or Bridal Shower, Birthday, Company Christmas Party or Family Reunion. Our large bar area features two TV’s, an ice machine and a fully functioning kitchen with stove and refrigerator.

Hall Rental Pricing:
3 hour party, (includes 1 hr prior for setup)
$550 plus $150 refundable deposit.
$50 to add an additional hour, if booked in advance. $100 to add an additional hour the day of event (max 1 hour)
ALL events require a police detail at $160.

Go to DOWNLOADS for Hall Rental Application

Date Requested

Pool Rental
Our beautiful Olympic style swimming pool, cabanas and barbeque pits offer a great venue for all types of poolside parties. There’s also a Wading pool and playground to entertain the younger kids.

Party guests also have access to our basketball, tennis and volleyball courts.

Beginning at our Open House, Pool parties for a 3 hours duration may be booked through the Club Director on duty during our hours of operation. To inquire as to the availability of dates, please call 941-7597 or by emailing us at bvnstc@bvnstc.com

The Club Member sponsoring the party must be present throughout the entire party.

*Pool Party discounted rates for members apply ONLY to those individuals listed on the Membership application. Any member found violating this rule may be subject to loss of their discount privileges and possible revocation of membership.

No Outside Music
 (DJ’s, Boom Boxes, Large Portable Speakers, etc. are not allowed without prior coordination with the Board of Directors – NO EXCEPTIONS). 
Swim Lessons
Information on Swim Lessosn will be provided as details are finalized.
Barracuda Swim Team
The resurgence of the Barracuda Swim Team has been a great success!
We teach sportsmanship, confidence and commitment!

To register contact Coach Michelle Harcher at 504-236-5929.

2024 May Practice Schedule:
Monday through Thursdays.
5:30 to 6:30 PM - 8 years old and younger.
6:30 to 7:30 PM - 9 years and older.

2024 June-July Practice Schedule:
All ages:
Monday and Thursdays 6:00 to 7:00 PM.
Tuesdays and Fridays 8:30 to 9:30 PM.

  • 8330 Patricia St, Chalmette, LA, USA